Corporate law

REISER Avocats provides global, in-depth expertise in Swiss corporate law.

Whether it be in the early stages of a new project, in your day-to-day business, or in the context of a merger or a sale: if you run a company, you will sooner or later require reliable legal advice in the field of corporate law, regardless of the size of your company. This field is as broad as it is complex and covers issues that arise in the founding of a company, in mergers and acquisitions and transfers of businesses, as well as other cross-disciplinary issues that also involve accounting law, commercial register law, business names, and restructurings.

Lawyers specialised in corporate law

REISER Attorneys at Law has comprehensive and in-depth expertise in the field of Swiss corporate law. We assist founders, shareholders, managers, future purchasers, and companies themselves, , in all legal aspects related to the existence of the company, whether it be a start-up, a foundation, a SME or a listed company, from its creation to its potential transfer, including the legal issues with which its managers are confronted on a daily basis.

Advice in corporate law

As entrepreneurs ourselves, we advise our clients on the choice of the most appropriate legal form and structure to achieve the defined objectives and the envisaged activity. We also take care of all of the legal formalities required for the proper functioning of the company and its optimal internal organisation. Our expertise extends to corporate governance, reorganisations, restructurings and financing of companies or specific operations, as well as to questions of liability of directors and auditors.

Our expertise in corporate law

- REISER Attorneys at Law has the skills and resources to handle all legal aspects of corporate changes, mergers, demergers, and acquisitions. - Our lawyers specialised in this field help our clients achieve their goals, in particular by assisting them in the due diligence process, while also advising them on the possible tax treatment. - Our structure allows us to offer services that match the highest international standards, at competitive rates. Some examples of cases - Our clients have sought our services in mergers and acquisitions in several sectors, including the food industry, air and sea transport, oil & gas logistics, healthcare, luxury jewelry, real estate and the press. - Our firm has also structured transactions involving financial institutions, oil and telecommunications companies, and hotels.

Banking law and financial services
The diversity and importance of the regulatory standards applicable to the financial sector imposes an increasing need for legal advice to financial institutions, whether banks or asset managers.

Advice in banking law

Our firm advises financial institutions, in particular independent asset managers, in their relations with their clients, business partners, supervisory authorities (SO) and the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). In this respect, we assist our clients in their organisation, in obtaining the necessary authorizations and in drafting contracts specific to their activity.

Advice in financial law

In the financial field, our firm provides specialised assistance in the conduct of complex legal proceedings. In this context, we assist individuals and companies in the recovery of assets, in particular in cases involving liability for mismanagement or of a criminal nature. Having built a network of partner firms abroad, we coordinate and monitor cases with an international component.

Our expertise in banking and financial law

  • Advice and support for asset managers with respect to the supervisory authorities. In this context, we advise them on the drafting of contractual documents: management mandate, advisory mandate, management profile, risk profile, etc.
  • Advice and representation of clients and banking institutions before the courts in the context of liability actions for mismanagement.
  • Advice and representation of heirs in search of banking assets in Switzerland and abroad in an international context involving several laws and jurisdictions.
  • Advice and representation in liability actions against executives of a banking institution.
Real estate and Construction law
Construction and real estate law is a field that is becoming increasingly complex and highly technical. Opposition and appeal procedures have become almost systematic in the context of a real estate project. REISER Avocats assists its clients in the early stages of projects, for example in structuring the project and in obtaining a building permit, as well as throughout subsequent proceedings, should oppositions be filed Its lawyers advise clients and defend their interests before the judicial, arbitral, and administrative authorities in French-speaking Switzerland and at the federal level. Our office also intervenes to resolve all legal difficulties encountered both by owners and by real estate professionals, as well as to advise buyers and sellers throughout a real estate transaction.

Lawyers in real estate law

REISER Avocats advises a clientele composed of real estate developers, architects, engineers, general construction companies, public entities as well as institutional and private owners.

Construction Lawyers

Our expertise ranges from initial advice on the development of a real estate project to the management of legal problems arising after delivery of the work, including the organisation of consortiums, the drafting of contractual documentation, the negotiation of contracts with the various trades, the management of the real estate project, etc. In this field, we also have specific skills in administrative procedures such as the planning and monitoring of land use planning procedures, the problems of acquisition authorisations for foreign persons, obtaining building permits, and managing any appeals in these areas. We also regularly represent our clients before the civil courts in the event of proceedings related to statutory mortgages, construction defects, or disputes between property owners. In addition, our firm has extensive experience in advising private and institutional landlords in their relations with tenants and in representing them in court, both for commercial and residential properties.
Our expertise in real estate and construction law

Public construction law

- Land use planning (planning, zoning, dezoning) - Building police (building permits) - Secondary residence law (Lex Weber) - Environmental law, protection of heritage and nature - Polluted sites

Private construction law

- General or total contractor contracts - Architectural and engineering contracts - Defects in the work - Legal hypothecs of craftsmen and contractors - Construction insurance

Real estate law

- Real rights and land law - Easements - PPE - Rural and agrarian land law - Neighbourhood law and rural and land law - Right of emption and pre-emption - Expropriations

Real estate sales law

- Acquisition of real estate by foreigners in Switzerland (Lex Koller) - Real estate brokerage - Real estate sales - Notary law - Real estate taxation

Lease law

- Rental lease - Farm lease - Farm lease

Some examples of cases

- Representation before the civil courts in proceedings related to legal mortgages, construction defects, or disputes between property owners. - Legal proceedings concerning construction defects. - Assistance to developers in the realization of a construction project, from the perspective of private law (contracts) and administrative law (building permits). - Advice to accompany real estate transactions by non-residents in Switzerland - Creation and management of a real estate fund, creation of a joint venture in the real estate sector.
Employment law
Employment legislation is complex. Contractual relations between employees and employers are governed by private and public law. In addition, there are other legal provisions such as the Swiss Labour Law, collective agreements, and standard employment contracts, as well as legal provisions related to social security contributions and withholding tax.

Employment Lawyer in Geneva

Conflicts in the field of employment law are generally sources of tension within the company and can mobilise important resources. To avoid this, REISER Avocats, a law firm specialised in employment law, advises its clients so that they can correctly assess their rights and obligations and set up a company policy adapted to their needs.

Advice in employment law

REISER Attorneys at Law has extensive knowledge in the field of employment law. We advise employers and employees in all aspects of their contractual relationships, both in Switzerland and internationally. We provide specialised advice in the negotiation and drafting of employment contracts and internal regulations, secondment of employees, transfer of employment relationships, individual or collective dismissals. We assist our clients in all areas related to employment law, such as residence and establishment in Switzerland (work and settlement permits), mergers and acquisitions, competition law, social insurance, and pensions and represent our clients both before the judicial and administrative authorities while promoting, when appropriate, alternative dispute resolution procedures such as negotiation and mediation.

Our expertise in employment law

- Drafting and negotiation of employment contracts - Drafting of internal regulations - Setting up profit-sharing plans for employees - Negotiation between employers and unions - Management of collective dismissals - Representation of clients in case of conflicts, in particular before judicial authorities

Some examples of cases

- Assistance and advice to a foreign company active in the television sector in Switzerland. - Representation and assistance before the courts of a securities trader in all aspects related to the employment contracts of its employees. - Assistance to a director of a sports company following the immediate termination of the employment relationship. - Assistance to a director of a company active in the watchmaking industry following the termination of their employment relationship.
Medical law and civil liability

Medical law and civil liability

REISER Avocats benefits from a wide expertise in medical law and civil liability matters.

We offer a wide range of legal services in civil matters. In particular, our team includes lawyers specialised in resolving accidents disputes, whether through negotiations or court proceedings. We provide personalised assistance to our clients from the incident until the matter is finally resolved with the counterparty and insurance companies. Our firm takes all necessary steps to obtain indemnities for losses, whether arising from injuries, death, medical treatment, professional or domestic disability, or moral prejudice. Our network of professional contacts in the insurance market allows us to solve disputes in a speedy and efficient way. 

REISER Avocats represents claimants, defendants and insurers in road traffic accident disputes, construction disputes, and transport (train and airplane) disputes.

Our lawyers also act on behalf of medical professionals, group practices and private clinics. We assist our clients in their legal relationships with patients, health and regulatory authorities and insurance companies. We also assist doctors and patients in proceedings before the supervisory commission for health professions and patients’ rights. In addition, our lawyers provide court representation in proceedings initiated by insurers relating to issues of polypharmacy and care oversight.

Our expertise includes :

  • Representation of large private clinics in court proceedings initiated by patients
  • Assistance to doctors in financial litigation against health insurance companies
  • Court representation of engineering firms in construction accident disputes
  • Court representation of claimants following serious road traffic, train and airplane accidents
White collar crime

Criminal law and administrative criminal law often draw very complex contours of wrongful conduct. As a result, economic actors are at an increased risk of being investigated and complained about or of becoming victims of criminal offences. The risks of severe sanctions and serious damages are significant.

Lawyer specialized in economic crime

Our team of lawyers has extensive experience in economic crime. We regularly advise companies and individuals in complex, cross-border, and international criminal proceedings, typically in cases of fraud, corruption, money laundering, and cybercrime. We also assist them in the search and seizure of assets resulting from cross-border fraud. Our lawyers are also renowned for conducting internal investigations and assisting clients with compliance issues related to corruption, money laundering, and cybercrime regulations. We also benefit from an international network of lawyers specialised in this field with whom we work regularly.

Our expertise in economic crime

- Representation of clients in proceedings conducted by Swiss prosecution authorities in the context of white collar crime; - Assistance in the context of internal investigations conducted within companies in order to assess the commission of possible criminal and regulatory offences; - Assistance to companies or individuals in the search for and seizure of assets, mainly as a result of fraud and cybercrime attacks; - Assisting companies in the development or redesign of their compliance programs and risk assessment.

Some examples of cases

- Representation of several insurance companies active in the oil and gas sector in the context of criminal proceedings opened for suspicions of unfair management and money laundering. - Assistance to several victims of an international embezzlement scheme in the recovery of their assets. - Representation of South American nationals in Swiss criminal proceedings in connection with the Brazilian Lava Jato scandal. - Representation of the director of a commodities trading company in criminal proceedings initiated by several banks based on allegations of fraud and breach of trust. - Representation in civil and criminal proceedings of an external director of a financial company having resorted to a system of cavalier behaviour. - Representation in criminal proceedings of a "risk manager" of a public law banking institution
Law governing the legal profession

Our firm advises and represents Swiss and foreign lawyers in their dealings with the legal supervisory authorities, both in relation to administrative authorisations and representation in disciplinary matters.

We also act before the courts in cases of disputes regarding fees or the proper execution of the mandate.

Law of the legal profession

REISER Attorneys at Law deals with all matters relating to the law of the legal profession, in particular the application of the rules of the Swiss Law on the Free Movement of Lawyers (LLCA), the Swiss Code of Civil Procedure (CCP), the Swiss Code of Criminal Procedure (CCP) and the Swiss Code of Ethics (SCC).

Legal advice for lawyers

REISER Attorneys at Law has specific expertise and experience in the area of attorneys' rights, which enables us to offer dedicated consulting services for lawyers.

Our expertise in the field of lawyers' law

- Conflicts of interest - Professional secrecy - Duty of care of the lawyer - Civil liability - Drafting of legal opinions - Legal representation in the context of litigation involving lawyers - Disciplinary proceedings

Some examples of cases

- Advice and support for the establishment or conversion of a law firm into a partnership or sole proprietorship. - Advice and representation for the registration in the cantonal register or the public register of EU/EFTA lawyers. - Advice and representation of attorneys at law in ordinal and disciplinary proceedings before the supervisory authority for attorneys at law. - Advice in matters of professional secrecy and conflict of interest. - Advice and representation in cases of fee collection and liability claims against lawyers.
Public markets
The general trend is towards an increasingly broad definition of the concept of public procurement, and thus a very wide application of this complex area of law. The definition of the contract and whether or not it is subject to the rules of public procurement, the choice of the procedure, or the evaluation of the offers require specific skills. Companies as well as the various actors who are awarded contracts or bidders thus need a complete and thorough understanding of public procurement law.

Public Procurement Law

Public procurement law is a highly specialised field in which the understanding of contracts, the formulation of tenders, and the choice of the various procedures require solid experience.

Lawyers for public procurement law

REISER Attorneys at Law has several specialists who have been active in the field of public procurement for many years. Our lawyers assist the awarding authorities and bidders both at the tender and offer stage and in the proceedings, including judicial proceedings following the award decision. Our firm assists the awarding authorities in all phases preceding the opening of a public contract as well as in those related to the award. They also represent the successful bidders both during the preparation of the bids and before the courts in the event of an appeal.

Our expertise in public procurement law

- Advice to contractors, successful bidders and tenderers - Legal representation of public authorities in the field of public construction contracts. - Appeals, on behalf of private entities, against calls for tender or award decisions. - Preparation of tenders and bids, in relation to authorities or companies - Public-private partnerships (PPP)

Some examples of cases

- Legal assistance to public authorities and bidders in proceedings challenging the award of a public contract - Analysis of PPPs from the perspective of the application of public procurement law - Assistance to contracting authorities in making award decisions - Advice on complex projects in the fields of infrastructure, transport, and public services (electricity, gas, or airports) - Legal opinions on issues related to public procurement - Presentations of legal rules to various authorities and private entities.
Immigration law
  General Overview Although Switzerland is not a member of the European Union, it has signed the Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons, enabling it to join the Schengen/Dublin area. Under certain conditions, this agreement promotes the free movement of people between member countries. Citizens of countries that are not members of the Schengen/Dublin area, known as third countries, are subject to additional restrictions on obtaining a permit. Switzerland offers a wide range of permits to work or live in the country: short-term residence permits (Permit L), residence permits (Permit B), settlement permits (Permit C), residence permits for gainful employment (Permit Ci), cross-border commuters' permits (Permit G), and more.   Swiss Residence Permit Our immigration lawyers advise Swiss companies on obtaining and renewing work permits for their foreign employees. Our team understands the challenges of hiring and managing international workers within the ever-changing Swiss legal framework. We provide personalized assistance, tailored to the specific needs of each company, from large multinationals to SMEs. We also answer all questions relating to employers' obligations, such as declarations to cantonal or federal authorities, and the tax or social security implications of hiring foreign workers. We also help EU/EFTA and third-country nationals to obtain residence permits, with or without gainful employment, for example to benefit from lump-sum taxation in certain Swiss cantons, or to reunite with their families.   Swiss nationality Since 2018, Switzerland has tightened the conditions for granting nationality. Acquiring Swiss nationality, whether through ordinary or facilitated naturalization, is a demanding process. What's more, cantons and municipalities have specific prerogatives, and criteria can vary considerably from place to place. Our immigration lawyers support EU and non-EU nationals in the naturalization process. They represent them before the administrative authorities to obtain the required authorizations and, if necessary, before the competent judicial authorities.
  Some case studies
  • Our specialist lawyers assist shipping companies in obtaining work permits for their employees who are citizens of non-EU countries.
  • We are assisting a Swiss start-up in obtaining a work permit for one of its English managers.
  • We are advising a couple living in the United States on their move to Switzerland.
Inheritance law
  General Overview The loss of a loved one is a painful ordeal, often accompanied by complex legal issues. The validity of a will, the rights of legal heirs or heirs with reserved rights, and the management of the deceased's assets - real property or movable assets -, located in Switzerland or abroad - are all issues that require special expertise. Another common concern is the recognition in Switzerland of a deed of notoriety drawn up abroad. Our lawyers specialized in inheritance law are at your disposal to guide you through these delicate issues. They regularly assist members of an heirship in various areas, such as renunciation of an inheritance, the establishment of a benefit of inventory, or the determination of reserved portions and the available share. Our clients are mainly private individuals domiciled in Switzerland or abroad, as well as non-governmental organizations designated as heirs or legatees.   Official Functions The members of our firm also act as ex officio administrators appointed by the competent authorities, or as executors chosen by the deceased. These functions give us a comprehensive view of inheritance law, enabling us to master the legal and tax issues involved, and to develop an extensive network of correspondents in Switzerland and abroad.   Conflict Resolution Managing estate disputes is often a delicate stage, where personal interests, emotions and legal aspects intersect. Aware of the family and financial stakes involved, we give priority to amicable dispute resolution, with the aim of preserving family relationships and avoiding lengthy and costly proceedings. Sometimes, however, attempts at amicable resolution fail, or the situation demands a rapid response, particularly in cases of deadlock or emergency. In such circumstances, it may be necessary to resort to legal or arbitration proceedings. We have recognized expertise in estate disputes, whether before Swiss courts or in international proceedings. Our lawyers are experienced in all types of legal action in matters of inheritance, such as actions for partition, where they intervene to break the deadlock in situations of persistent disagreement, actions for reduction aimed at protecting heirs with reserved rights when testamentary provisions exceed the available share, or actions for nullity to contest the validity of certain wills. In cases where an heir is contested or rejected, we take action to petition for recognition of his or her rights. Finally, in complex or cross-border cases, we work closely with foreign correspondents to ensure effective coordination and defense of our clients' interests on all fronts. We are also able to advise on strategies to be adopted upstream to anticipate and minimize the risk of conflict.
  Our expertise in Inheritance Law
  • We advise heirs challenging the validity of a will in Swiss or foreign estates where part of the estate is located in Switzerland.
  • We work with banking institutions to recover a deceased person's assets.
  • We take legal action to have the rights of certain heirs recognized.