Business areas


General Overview

The loss of a loved one is a painful ordeal, often accompanied by complex legal issues. The validity of a will, the rights of legal heirs or heirs with reserved rights, and the management of the deceased’s assets – real property or movable assets -, located in Switzerland or abroad – are all issues that require special expertise. Another common concern is the recognition in Switzerland of a deed of notoriety drawn up abroad.

Our lawyers specialized in inheritance law are at your disposal to guide you through these delicate issues. They regularly assist members of an heirship in various areas, such as renunciation of an inheritance, the establishment of a benefit of inventory, or the determination of reserved portions and the available share.

Our clients are mainly private individuals domiciled in Switzerland or abroad, as well as non-governmental organizations designated as heirs or legatees.


Official Functions

The members of our firm also act as ex officio administrators appointed by the competent authorities, or as executors chosen by the deceased. These functions give us a comprehensive view of inheritance law, enabling us to master the legal and tax issues involved, and to develop an extensive network of correspondents in Switzerland and abroad.


Conflict Resolution

Managing estate disputes is often a delicate stage, where personal interests, emotions and legal aspects intersect. Aware of the family and financial stakes involved, we give priority to amicable dispute resolution, with the aim of preserving family relationships and avoiding lengthy and costly proceedings.

Sometimes, however, attempts at amicable resolution fail, or the situation demands a rapid response, particularly in cases of deadlock or emergency. In such circumstances, it may be necessary to resort to legal or arbitration proceedings. We have recognized expertise in estate disputes, whether before Swiss courts or in international proceedings.

Our lawyers are experienced in all types of legal action in matters of inheritance, such as actions for partition, where they intervene to break the deadlock in situations of persistent disagreement, actions for reduction aimed at protecting heirs with reserved rights when testamentary provisions exceed the available share, or actions for nullity to contest the validity of certain wills. In cases where an heir is contested or rejected, we take action to petition for recognition of his or her rights.

Finally, in complex or cross-border cases, we work closely with foreign correspondents to ensure effective coordination and defense of our clients’ interests on all fronts. We are also able to advise on strategies to be adopted upstream to anticipate and minimize the risk of conflict.


Our expertise in Inheritance Law

  • We advise heirs challenging the validity of a will in Swiss or foreign estates where part of the estate is located in Switzerland.
  • We work with banking institutions to recover a deceased person’s assets.
  • We take legal action to have the rights of certain heirs recognized.