Business areas

Public markets

The general trend is towards an increasingly broad definition of the concept of public procurement, and thus a very wide application of this complex area of law. The definition of the contract and whether or not it is subject to the rules of public procurement, the choice of the procedure, or the evaluation of the offers require specific skills. Companies as well as the various actors who are awarded contracts or bidders thus need a complete and thorough understanding of public procurement law.

Public Procurement Law

Public procurement law is a highly specialised field in which the understanding of contracts, the formulation of tenders, and the choice of the various procedures require solid experience.

Lawyers for public procurement law

REISER Attorneys at Law has several specialists who have been active in the field of public procurement for many years. Our lawyers assist the awarding authorities and bidders both at the tender and offer stage and in the proceedings, including judicial proceedings following the award decision.

Our firm assists the awarding authorities in all phases preceding the opening of a public contract as well as in those related to the award. They also represent the successful bidders both during the preparation of the bids and before the courts in the event of an appeal.

Our expertise in public procurement law

– Advice to contractors, successful bidders and tenderers
– Legal representation of public authorities in the field of public construction contracts.
– Appeals, on behalf of private entities, against calls for tender or award decisions.
– Preparation of tenders and bids, in relation to authorities or companies
– Public-private partnerships (PPP)

Some examples of cases

– Legal assistance to public authorities and bidders in proceedings challenging the award of a public contract
– Analysis of PPPs from the perspective of the application of public procurement law
– Assistance to contracting authorities in making award decisions
– Advice on complex projects in the fields of infrastructure, transport, and public services (electricity, gas, or airports)
– Legal opinions on issues related to public procurement
– Presentations of legal rules to various authorities and private entities.