Experienced, creative and innovative, Reiser Avocats attends to a clientele in constant search for excellence.

About us

A specialised service

In a world in constant change, we attend to a demanding clientele in search for excellence. The specialised skills of our lawyers enable us to deliver first class analysis and ongoing support to achieve your goals.

Personalised advice

We prioritise direct and personalised contact with our clients to better understand their needs. We are experienced and creative. We offer innovative and pragmatic solutions specifically designed to meet your demands. 

Complete availability

We ensure complete availability for our clients by guaranteeing speedy and effective services. Your interests are our priority. We pursue them in full compliance with professional ethics standards.

Comprehensive support

We offer all-round support to our clients, by drawing on the valuable skills and experiences of each member of our team. Having established a reliable network of collaborating law firms abroad, we also ensure the coordination and follow-up of matters with an international component.

A high level of cyber security

Our Firm has obtained the Cyber-safe IT security label, after an in-depth certification process of its organisation and its entire IT infrastructure. This certifies that the Firm meets a high level of IT security and that proactive IT risk management is carried out on a daily basis. A high degree of resilience is also guaranteed thanks to regularly planned and tested recovery process.

Business areas

Corporate law
Corporate law is a broad field which includes issues of company foundation, mergers and acquisitions and transfers, but also cross-cutting issues such as accounting law, commercial register law, business names and restructuring. Reiser Avocats supports its clients in all these matters.
Banking law and financial services
Our firm advises clients to structure their internal organisation to obtain authorisations and to draft contracts specific to banking activities and assists them in complex legal proceedings.
Real estate and Construction law
Construction and real estate law is a field that is becoming increasingly complex and highly technical. Reiser Avocats provide specialised assistance to its clients in relation to all legal aspects of real estate and construction.
Employment law
REISER Avocats advise employers and employees in all aspects of their contractual relationships, both in Switzerland and at the international level and provides support in employment-related legal areas.
Medical law and civil liability
REISER Avocats benefits from a wide expertise in medical law and civil liability matters, notably in accidents disputes.
White collar crime
Our firm has extensive experience in white collar crime. We regularly advise our clients in complex, transnational criminal proceedings.
Law governing the legal profession
Our firm provides advice to Swiss and foreign lawyers in their dealings with the supervisory authorities for the legal profession and regularly represents its clients in disputes involving fees and the proper performance of instructions.
Public markets
Public markets law is a complex field requiring a thorough understanding of markets, public offerings and available procedures.
Immigration law
Although Switzerland is not a member of the European Union, it has signed the Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons, enabling it to join the Schengen/Dublin area. Under certain conditions, this agreement promotes the free movement of people between member countries. Citizens of countries that are not members of the Schengen/Dublin area, known as third countries, are subject to additional restrictions on obtaining a permit. Switzerland offers a wide range of permits to work or live in the country: short-term residence permits (Permit L), residence permits (Permit B), settlement permits (Permit C), residence permits for gainful employment (Permit Ci), cross-border commuters' permits (Permit G), and more.
Inheritance law
The loss of a loved one is a painful ordeal, often accompanied by complex legal issues. The validity of a will, the rights of legal heirs or heirs with reserved rights, and the management of the deceased's assets - real property or movable assets -, located in Switzerland or abroad - are all issues that require special expertise. Another common concern is the recognition in Switzerland of a deed of notoriety drawn up abroad. Our lawyers specialized in inheritance law are at your disposal to guide you through these delicate issues. They regularly assist members of an heirship in various areas, such as renunciation of an inheritance, the establishment of a benefit of inventory, or the determination of reserved portions and the available share.
French-Swiss Desk
As Swiss lawyers, we offer tailored legal services to French clients, including individuals and companies, seeking to establish themselves in Switzerland or expand their business activities there. We facilitate every step of the process, ensuring a smooth transition that complies with Swiss laws and regulations (federal, cantonal, and municipal). Additionally, we leverage our trusted network of partners and service providers to deliver comprehensive support to our clients. With years of experience, our firm has successfully assisted numerous French clients on these matters, particularly in areas such as individual relocations, company formation and establishment, mergers and acquisitions, contract reviews, and cross-border dispute management. Moreover, thanks to our extensive network of contacts in France (lawyers, notaries, fiduciaries, tax experts and banking institutions), we are also well-positioned to support Swiss entities or individuals looking to establish themselves in France or conduct business activities there.


Latest news

Olivier Rivoire co-authored an article with Brendon Lesar, of the English law firm Herrington Carmichael, on the Berne Financial Services Agreement, the mutual recognition agreement in the field of financial services signed between Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
November 2024
Congratulation to our partner Nathalie Subilia for her nomination as President of the International Association of lawyer’s labour law commission.
November 2024
Nathalie Subilia spoke in a panel on the impact of Labour law on foreign investments during the annual Congress of the International Associations of lawyers in Paris.
October 2024


Latest publications

Berne Financial Services Agreement between Switzerland and the United Kingdom, Olivier Rivoire, 2024 (co-authored with Brendon Lesar, Herrington Carmichael)
Commentaire Romand, Loi sur les avocats LLCA (co-éditeur avec Michel Valticos, Benoît Chappuis et François Bohnet), Helbing Lichtenhahn, 2022   .  
International Liability of Corporate Directors: Switzerland, in: International Liability of Corporate Directors, co-author with Dimitri Iafaev, 2nd Ed., 2022, Juris Publishing, Inc., Denis Campbell and Christian Campbell (Eds.), Sonja Maeder Morvant, 2022